How to make money with your phone: Since many of us spend so much time scrolling anyway, you might as well leverage those fingertips and turn them into ways to make money with your phone.
There are tons of apps, tools, and resources to help, but it can be hard to figure out which ones are a good and profitable idea and which ones are a complete waste of time.

If you are in this boat and struggling to break even, worry not.
We are going to look at 11 of the best ways to get paid to use your phone, as well as some steps you can take to make it happen.
Make Money With Your Phone
Having extra money is always nice, but it is even better when you are earning money doing something you love.
You can make money by using your phone, and I mean a lot of money.
If you are not making enough at your day job or making any money at all, think about taking a risk.
Yes, you may need to get creative, but if you follow some basic tips and tricks, you can turn your smartphone into a way to make more than just a few bucks.
Here is how:
Image Source: Google Play Store
Earn Money from Apps
Hundreds of apps can help you make money with your phone.
You will want to take a look at apps that you already use or have to make sure you are getting something out of them — otherwise, you are just wasting your time.
Apps to Make Money With Your Phone
Many of us are constantly distracted by the devices in our hands. If you are someone who spends most of your time on your phone or computer, apps to make money while you do so are probably the best option.
While the concept of getting paid to use your phone for various tasks is nothing new, with the rise of new services like these it is easier than ever to pull it off.
The first app we want to look at is Paydirt.
Paydirt works like a digital banker account where you get paid when you spend money on purchases on your credit cards, or directly from a vendor such as Amazon.
But unlike a traditional bank, you do not have to live or shop within the U.S. to use Paydirt. And you can accept payments from credit cards or debit cards.
Tools to make money
6 in the Top-100 Mobile Apps, Snappr is a super simple way to make money with your phone, using social media. You take photos or videos with your phone (or choose from many available, like wedding ideas, kids’ activities, fun crafts, travel tips, or restaurant-related shots), and then you use Snappr to tag them with specific hashtags, including the restaurant name, or the #WhereAreWe? hashtag.
You will also get a nice cut of sales when people click on the “Shop Now” button to buy what you have tagged. Snappr takes just 5% of the sales made through the tagged posts, with all other sales split evenly between the creator and Snappr. The app is free, but it is a referral program that can earn you $10 or more for every friend who signs up.
Other Ways to Make Money With Your Phone
While these are the ones I have found to be the most effective, many other sources of cash for phone users exist, including apps, gift cards, stickers, and in-app purchases.
Below are a few of my favorite examples, but feel free to explore your options.
The most effective way to make money with your phone is to be well-connected in your community.
By having a solid network of friends, coworkers, and acquaintances, you will increase the likelihood of people who know you and have access to your social media accounts being willing to give you a quick “freebie.”
One easy way to get on your peers’ radar is by joining groups on Facebook and Twitter. The groups are usually free to join, and there are plenty of opportunities to network.
Steps you need to take I am assuming that you have a phone, and if you do not, you can snag a Nexus 5x for just $299 right now.
On that note, before you make any money, you are going to need to start earning it.
First, you are going to need a little app.
But not just any old app.
You will need to find one that stands out or one that supports what you are trying to do.
That app should be part of the Google Play Store.
You can get there by going to on your computer, or by this Chrome extension.
Then you are going to need some cash. That is where things get a little tricky.
There are a lot of ways to make money but only a few make money.
You will need to scour the internet for the right opportunities, find the ones that work, and get paid.
- Keep your content fresh and interesting
- The one-hit content bubble is dead.
- Content is now a hot commodity.
People look for quality content and most publishers have to deliver it. That means it is becoming more and more important to create unique content that people will want to consume for long periods.
If you are looking for inspiration, you can also check out platforms such as, which lets you send your latest work to a wide range of partners.
Think outside the box Content is no longer limited to static pages.
Think about the types of things you could make a little extra money by producing.
Things such as apps, web tutorials, animation tutorials, and tutorials for specific uses are great for users and sites. This is because it will bring you more traffic.
Become a Bike Messenger
Those tattoos do not just mean you love the Vikings and your choice in music: They are a means of making a living.
Especially if you live in a major city. You are competing with all the people who work for companies like Fed Ex and UPS, but instead of a van and uniform, you are riding around a relatively modern version of the horse and cart.
People in cities like New York, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. tend to bike the most, as bike messengers can earn anywhere from $60,000 per year (in the case of someone who has a good work history) to $100,000 in the private sector.
On the flip side, you could be riding for Uber while standing behind a bartender to a customer for tips.
What You Need to Know Before You Start
Before you take your first steps into the world of app marketing and monetization, you will need to familiarize yourself with the apps and services you are looking to target.
First things first: Google is king when it comes to consumer search volume and it is here where most of us first get online.
That is why the first place you should spend time exploring and making money is the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
You will also want to explore similar lists compiled by other people — in our case, your friends and peers.
But before you get too deep into a bunch of random apps, take some time to think about what you want to do with your phone and how you want to do it.
Sell items on eBay
So maybe you are an iPhone user who has picked up a physical copy of The Walking Dead (the app version is free) in the last year. You have watched some episodes, do not mind how short it is, and you do not feel like going out to see the movie, so you feel confident you will be able to sell it for a healthy profit.
It is not just your mobile device that has value. The other items on your device are too. If you know how to package and sell your digital assets, your device will turn into a cash cow.
eBay is by far the most popular mobile-commerce platform out there, and the most reliable. You can list your phone for sale right from your mobile device, and accept payment via credit card, PayPal, or Apple Pay (if it is on your device).
Offer a Service or Product
Who does not love a bargain?
People love shopping on the cheap, and while this is especially true of online shopping, it is also pretty true of the brick-and-mortar stores of the world.
There are tons of businesses and services you can offer that cost you absolutely nothing to offer, or even nothing at all (e.g. posters, random stuff you doodle in the margins of your notebook, small stuff).
Those with marketing expertise could offer a discount coupon for a certain amount. Others could offer a percentage of sales for each purchase, depending on the price and time of the sale.
When you create a coupon code, make it unique and enticing, along with a link to the actual product you sell.
There are a ton of ways to earn a little extra cash without selling anything or leaving the comfort of your bed.
This list will get you started on your journey to “make money with your phone.”
Once you get a feel for the various opportunities and start making money with your phone, the rest will just fall into place.
Ready to make some real money from your smartphone? Check out the 11 great apps that can help make it happen.
What is the best way to make money online? Is it by freelancing, selling items on Amazon, or posting on forums?
How much money do you make online and how do you manage your time? Please share in the comments section below.